This page is packed full of ideas on how to make your money go further. It covers everything from switching energy suppliers and prioritising your bills to ways to save money on food and appliances.
Cheaper phone and broadband
You may be eligible to move onto a social tariff if you are struggling to afford your broadband or phone services. The Ofcom website shows the tariffs available and who is eligible to switch to a social tariff.
Comparison sites like Broadband Genie, Comparethemarket and Uswitch can help you check if you could be on a cheaper broadband deal.
Many water companies run hardship schemes or fund independent charitable trusts which can help you pay your bills. CCW is the independent voice for water consumers in England and Wales and they can help you to get support with paying your water bill.
Anglian Water’s tips to help you save water offers useful ideas for inside and outside the home. If you haven’t got a water meter for your home, you may find asking your water company to fit one can save you money.
WaterSure and reduced tariffs are available to those who are eligible, such as someone who may use more water for medical reasons, a household who has more than three children living there, or customers who would struggle to pay. It is always worthwhile having a chat with your supplier to see what options may be available to you.
The Save Water Save Money website supplies water saving devices, such as aerated shower heads, subsidised water butts, cistern bags and toilet leak detection tablets. Or contact your supplier to see what free water saving devices they can offer.
Cheaper energy
Comparison sites like Uswitch can help you check if you could be on a cheaper deal.
You may wish to look into changing your energy supplier. It is important to do research into the best option for you. Ofgem can provide more information to help you decide, and how to do so.
The Big Community Switch offers a service to Cambridgeshire residents who are considering switching their energy provider. Residents can use this free, simple, no obligation service to find the best tariff with their own personalised offer. Visit the Big Community Switch Collection Energy Switch website for more information.
Keep track of energy costs
Knowing what you are using and spending will help you to feel more in control, ways to do this include reading your meter regularly or having a smart meter installed.
Read your meter: always check your actual usage and let your supplier know, to help avoid high estimated bills. If you are not sure how to do this, look on your supplier’s website or call them for advice.
Smart meter: these are available from your supplier and are free. They show you how much you are using and how much money this is costing you so you can see how much different items cost to run. Ask your supplier to make sure they are fitting the most up-to-date version. Never be tempted to switch off your fridge/freezer, it is important to keep this on to avoid food going bad.
It is important to contact your supplier if anything on a bill looks wrong.
The government’s bill prioritiser can help you sort your bills and payments in the right order and advise you what you need to do if you are struggling to pay, to help avoid missing payments.
Check your wage and deductions are correct
Check the National Minimum Wage calculator to see if you are being paid the right amount. You can also check when your employer can make deductions from your pay, such as for income tax, National Insurance and student loan repayments.
Help with travel costs
You could save up to a third on train journeys with a Railcard.
If you are on Universal Credit you may be eligible for a Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card for up to 50% off.
Healthcare help
Check your eligibility for free help from the NHS for things like prescriptions, dental care or glasses.
The Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS) may be able to refund reasonable travel costs if you are referred to hospital or other NHS premises for specialist NHS treatment or diagnostic tests by a doctor, dentist or another primary care health professional.
Digital inclusion
Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign is partnering with Tech4Inclusion - a company that refurbishes tech devices obtained from companies and educational establishments and recycles them, cleansed and ready for use by people in need who are facing situations in their lives which will be helped by having access to working tech. Contact Tech4Inclusion for more information.
To access free Wi-Fi visit your local library at Ely, Soham, Littleport, Burwell, Little Downham, Haddenham or Bottisham. There is no fee and you can also access low cost printing options. The buildings will be warm and welcoming, with other people for company. Your local library is one of the few places you can go without any expectation of having to spend any money.
Free outdoor Wi-Fi is also available via CambWi-Fi in Ely city centre, Soham and Littleport town centres and at Haddenham, Wicken, Little Thetford, Chippenham, Burwell and Little Downham.
Money saving ideas
Making small changes can start to add up to make a big difference. Some of the top tips below might help.
Heating: turning your thermostat down by one degree can save on average £116 a year.
Lightbulbs: use low energy light bulbs around your home. Free bulbs are available from PECT by emailing
Water: set the temperature to 60 degrees centigrade and close the bathroom door when bathing or showering.
Kitchen: only boil the amount of water you need in a kettle and put lids on pans when cooking.
Appliances: turn off appliances when not in use, rather than leave them on standby.
Repairs: if your home has draughts from windows, doors or fans repair them if you can. If you rent then report these to your landlord.
Food: this is one of the biggest expenses for many families, there are ways to help make your money work harder. Less food waste is better for the planet and better for your pocket, you can reduce your food waste by:
- setting a budget, make sure it is realistic and try to stick to it
- planning your meals, check the cupboards for what you already have and then buy only the ingredients you need, also try batch cooking for two or three meals and freeze the extra
- shopping online, this can help to avoid the impulse buys and also lets you remove items from the basket if you have gone over budget
- storing it well, keep an eye on use by dates and see what is the best way to store it. If something is about to go out of date before you can use it, check to see if you can freeze it instead
Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Handy-person Service
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Handyperson Service is usually a charged-for service with the costs varying dependent on the work being undertaken. Exact handyperson services differ from place to place, but the kind of work they can help with include small repairs, fitting safety measures and home security and also installing energy efficiency items, such as draught excluders, radiator heat reflectors and energy efficient lightbulbs.
There are many community support organisations in East Cambridgeshire, which are there to support residents with a variety of services including baby banks, emotional support, financial advice, health support and advice, drug and alcohol support, food parcels and time-banks.