Information for Ukrainian guests

Our officers can speak many different languages and will often be able to translate for you. If you need translation into a language an officer cannot speak, we can arrange a translation service for a meeting. This is a free service we provide, you do not need to bring an interpreter to attend meetings with you.

We have produced a welcome pack:  

We have produced a guidance video with the assistance of Bogdana, a Ukrainian guest in the East Cambridgeshire district. The video sets out some helpful tasks for Ukrainian guests to do during the first week in the UK, such as setting up a bank account, registering with a GP surgery, applying for school placements and getting a UK SIM card. 

The intention of the video is to help guests feel welcomed, with this in mind we chose to create the video with a guest speaking in Ukrainian for non-Ukrainian speaking persons we have created a document of what is being discussed: 

The British Red Cross has produced a leaflet to help Ukrainian nationals who have recently arrived in the UK to understand their rights and find out about services they can access:  

Ukraine community hub 

Twice a month on a Thursday, between 10am and 1pm, a Ukraine community hub is held at the Lighthouse Centre, 13 Lynn Road, Ely, CB7 4EG. 

A warm welcome and friendly atmosphere for hosts and guests to meet and socialise, with a free play area and activities for children, along with refreshments for all attending. This is an opportunity to meet organisations and to discuss any queries you may have regarding schools, benefits, healthcare, employment and housing.

Free to attend, this is a friendly and safe environment to seek support and advice.

In East Cambridgeshire we also have community hubs around the district where people can meet others in their local communities:

Community hubs

Classes and other information  

Cambridge Regional College offer a range of courses and further education, including English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes, more information is available in the Cambridge Regional College welcome brochure

Department for Work and Pensions

Department for Work and Pensions support for Ukrainians arriving in the UK. Details regarding benefits, obtaining a National Insurance Number and job seeking:  

Homes for Ukraine scheme

Guests will receive their £200 subsistence payment when the council completes their welfare check. This will normally take place three or four days after your arrival.  

The government has produced guidance to explain your options when you have lived in the UK for 6 months and includes links to more support.  

A guide has been published to help guests understand how to rent in England. This will help you when you are ready and able to move out of sponsorship into independent accommodation.

Laptops for guests

Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign is partnering with Tech4Inclusion - a company that refurbishes tech devices obtained from companies and educational establishments and recycles them, cleansed and ready for use by people in need who are facing situations in their lives which will be helped by having access to working tech.  

The guest, or host (on behalf of the guest) under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, can complete this form to request a device once the guest has arrived. The turnaround is around 2 weeks from the submission of a request. 

Further questions regarding the scheme can be emailed to 

Applying for education placements for children 

Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council have produced a guidance and application form for education placements for children of Ukrainian guests living in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.  

If there is no available space at a preferred school, owing to class sizes or the school year group is full, an alternative will be offered at the next nearest school with capacity. The family will have the right to appeal if they have not been offered a place at their preferred school(s).  

Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council Schools Appeal Team are available to help and support families. They can be contacted Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm via or telephone 01223 699256.  

Helping children learn – guidance for parents of children who use English as an Additional Language (EAL). 

The Bell Foundation has produced short, easy to understand guides for parents of students who use EAL, as guidance on how to get involved in school life and to help their child to learn.  

Early years childcare  

In England, early years care and education is not compulsory but is available for all children from 0 to 5 years of age, including children with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities.

Community groups and activities  

Find details of local support groups, community groups and activities for all ages across East Cambridgeshire.  

A booklet has been produced showing a range of activities that are inclusive and welcoming throughout the district. Whilst most activities will not have a translator present, the activities are ones which are accessible to all, and do not require you to know English.  

Visit the How Are You website to access information on support and activities available in the East Cambridgeshire district to help you to start making a life in the UK. 

Young people  

For information aimed at young people, including information on education, travel, wellbeing or local things to do, visit our youth pages.

Explore East Cambs  

East Cambridgeshire is a beautiful place to explore and includes some stunning scenery and parks. Visit Explore East Cambs to find out more about what you can see and do in the area.  

Cambridgeshire Holiday Activities and Food (HAF)

The Cambridgeshire Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme offers holiday scheme places for free during the Easter, summer and Christmas school holidays to eligible primary and secondary school children and young people. 

How will my personal data be used as a Ukraine guest?  

Local authorities use information about basic details of guests (such as age, gender, arrival date) and hosts (such as location) to plan services and support, for example to make sure there are enough school places.

This information is shared with other local authorities, health services and relevant voluntary and community sector organisations. The information that is shared is not individually identifiable, only totals are shared.