We are proud to be independently recognised as an Investors in the Environment (iiE) organisation.
To achieve this accolade, we had to demonstrate not only our commitment to take action to benefit the environment, but also encourage climate friendly behaviour by all our staff.
Having achieved Bronze accreditation in December 2022, we successfully moved up to Silver level accreditation in January 2024. Further details on our Silver award can be found in our press release.
To help achieve our accreditation, the council has established an in-house Green Team to set up campaigns and create action plans to help council staff reduce their carbon footprint. This has included running a transport to work survey, encouraging staff to recycle more, and raising awareness of the need to switch off lights and other power and heat sources when not in use. We've also carried out improvements on our main office, The Grange, such as more double glazing and very low carbon lighting.
Sign up to become an Investor in the Environment
Whether big or small, your organisation or business could sign up to the Investors in the Environment Programme. Many organisations are starting to do so, no matter what line of work or activity they do, from accountancy to veterinary services.
It would be great to see as many as possible East Cambridgeshire organisations or businesses striving towards an Investors in the Environment award.
For more information, please see the iiE website.