Feedback and complaints
We want to hear about your experience of the services we provide. We welcome all feedback, whether it is a compliment, complaint, or comment to help us improve the services we provide to all customers.
Contact us
Comment, complaint and enquiry form
Community advice service feedback
Housing advice feedback
If you wish to make a complaint, we encourage you to contact either the Customer Services team, the individual department or person you have been dealing with directly via any of the methods above. All our staff will always listen to you and try to resolve any grievances quickly and informally. Most problems can be resolved this way.
Contact us
If your complaint, for whatever reason cannot be resolved informally, we will instigate our formal complaints procedure:
Stage one
Your complaint will be acknowledged within one working day and investigated by a Senior Officer or Service Lead from the service area that the complaint is about. You will receive a full response within ten working days unless your complaint is complex and cannot be responded to within ten working days, in which case you will be informed of the expected response time.
If you feel that your complaint has still not been dealt with to your satisfaction, then the full response will advise you how to progress to Stage two.
Stage two
Your complaint will be escalated to a member of the council's Corporate Management team. Your escalated complaint will be acknowledged within one working day and you will receive a full response within ten working days.
Stage three
If you are still not satisfied, you have the right to take your complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman. Complete the form on the Local Government Ombudsman website or call their advice line on 0300 0610614.
We aim to deal fairly and consistently with all our customers, including those whose actions we consider unacceptable. Further information on managing customer contact: