
Lost or stray cats

If your cat is lost you should immediately check your microchip information is up-to-date. The contact details should be on your cat's microchip paperwork or you can contact your veterinarian to identify the company that registered the microchip.

Other things to do include:

  • thoroughly search your home and immediate surroundings – be sure to check sheds, garages and outbuildings
  • ask your neighbours to check their sheds, garages and outbuildings
  • report it to the Cat’s Protection League for the Ely and District area, call 01353 468 134 or email 
  • contact other local shelters and vets
  • consider posting on social media to spread the word widely

If you find a lost or stray cat you can try to find its owner or take it to an animal shelter. 

  • ask neighbours if they recognise the cat or if a cat is missing
  • check local lost and found pet groups on social media
  • ask a vet to check the cat for an ID tag
  • take it to an animal shelter such the Cat’s Protection League for the Ely and District area, call 01353 468 134 or email 

For more information visit the Cats Protection League website

Dead cats

If you have found a dead cat within your community, you can take it to your local vets who can scan the cat to see if it has a microchip.

While we understand it’s heartbreaking for an owner to receive news of a deceased cat, it offers the opportunity for them to gain closure. It will allow them to grieve the relationship they had with their cat and choose what they would like to do with their cat’s remains.

If you find a dead cat on public land, and are not able to take it to the vets, please let us know. We will take dead cats and dogs to a local vets and try to contact the owner if we find a microchip.  We are sorry, but dead animals on private land are the responsibility of the landowner or tenant.