East Cambridgeshire District Council owns and/or manages the following open spaces in Ely:
- Ely Park (Cherry Hill)
- Jubilee Gardens
- Palace Green
- Ely Country Park
These open spaces can be used for non-profit or fundraising community events. For more details of each site and to see if they would be suitable for your event please read parks and open spaces for events:
Before making an application
To avoid issues with your application at a later stage, where relevant please contact the following departments before beginning the booking process:
Ely Markets: The council is focused on delivering a successful regular market, creating a thriving hub for the community. Any stalls at your event should not detract from what is already on offer at the Market Place. For further information, please email markets@elymarkets.co.uk
Leisure Services: If your event involves sports or physical activity our Leisure Services department may be able to assist. Please contact our Active Lifestyles Co-ordinator on contactus@eastcambs.gov.uk
Safety Advisory Group (SAG): If you are expecting more than 500 visitors at your event or the event presents a significant public safety risk you should contact our Safety Advisory Group. Please note this is an advisory group only and any advice given is separate from any permission needed to use council land to host your event.
Activities not permitted on council land
The following are not permitted on East Cambridgeshire District Council land, although the list is not exhaustive:
- events charging an entrance fee
- funfairs
- drones
- advertising structures
- release of Chinese lanterns and balloons
- fireworks - permitted only at the organised display on Cherry Hill
- metal detecting
- barbecues and marquees, unless part of an organised event that has received permission from the council
- giving animals as prizes, for example goldfish
- parking or driving of vehicles within two metres of any tree on the event area
- displays involving live animals, such as reindeer
For further information, read our planning events page and view our guide:
You are required to submit your application form at least three months before the date of your event. With your application you must include the following documents:
Please email applications to events@eastcambs.gov.uk and for events requiring SAG notifications please also copy in sag@eastcambs.gov.uk. Once all documents have been submitted, the application will be sent to the relevant departments within the council for a one-month consultation period, after which permission will be confirmed via email. Your event cannot go ahead until you have received written confirmation from the council.