PAT testing

Portable electrical equipment is generally identified as equipment that has a lead or cable and plug and which is normally moved from place to place, such as vacuum cleaners, kettles, heaters, fans and desk lamps.  

It also refers to equipment that could be moved, such as printers, photocopiers, fridges, freezers, televisions and computers.

Leads and plugs, or sometimes the equipment itself, can become damaged. This may result in an electric shock, which in some instances can kill. Damaged equipment can also cause fires.

How to maintain electrical equipment

Carry out regular visual inspections

By looking for visible signs of damage or faults, and putting them right, you will prevent most electrical accidents from occurring. Around 95% of faults or damage can be found just by looking.  

Ensure earthed equipment is regularly tested

Some faults cannot be seen just by looking. Therefore, all earthed equipment, and most leads and plugs connected to equipment should be PAT tested. Read more about PAT testing on the Health and Safety Executive website.

Equipment/Environment User checks Formal visual inspection Combined inspection and testing 
Battery-operated: (less than 20 volts) No No No
Extra low voltage: (Less than 50 volts AC) telephone equipment, low voltage desk lights  No No No
Information technology: desktop computers and screens  No Yes, every 2-4 years No if double insulated - otherwise up to 5 years 
Photocopiers, print machines: not hand-held. Rarely moved No Yes, every 2-4 years No if double insulated - otherwise up to 5 years 
Double insulated equipment: not hand-held. Moved occasionally: fans, table lamps, slide projectors No Yes, 2-4 years No
Double insulated equipment: hand-held, for example, some floor cleaners Yes Yes, 6 months - 1 year  No
Earthed equipment (Class 1): electric kettles, some floor cleaners  Yes Yes, 6 months - 1 year  Yes, 1-2 years
Cables (leads) and plugs connected to the above. Extension leads (mains voltage)  Yes Yes, 6 months - 4 years depending on the type of equipment it is connected to Yes, 1-5 years depending on the type of equipment it is connected