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Get help
We want to listen, we want to help.
Our housing advice team drop-in clinics can help you if you are living with domestic abuse.
Alternatively, you can call us on 01353 665555 during office hours or in an emergency on 07710 978900
We can help you prepare to leave and find a refuge, or we can help you secure your home so you can stay there safely.
We can advise on tenancy issues, including occupation orders, joint tenancies and homelessness, and can put you in touch with other organisations (some of which are listed below) that provide support and legal advice.
If you are a tenant of a registered social housing provider (Housing Association), you can also approach your landlord directly for further support and help.
The housing associations in East Cambridgeshire are:
Read Refuge's advice about planning to leave home.
You should always report domestic violence to the police.
For more help and advice visit our domestic abuse pages.