Governance agreements where the CIL receipt from a single development does not exceed £1,000,000
Meaningful Proportion
15% (25% where a Neighbourhood Plan is made) of all CIL receipts, under the Regulations, must be transferred to the City/Parish/Town Council (where development has occurred in their area). In a Regulation 62A report, the City/Parish/Town Council must publicise, on an annual basis, the amount of CIL money it has received, spent, brought forward from previous years, intends to carry forward to the following year and where money has been spent. A pro forma report has been supplied to the City/Town/Parish Council and this information will be published by the individual City/Parish/Town Council.
Under the Regulations, the Council is permitted to allocate up to 5% of all CIL receipts to assist in the costs of administering CIL. The Council will deduct 2.5% of all CIL receipts to administer CIL. This will be reviewed annually.
This category is for infrastructure projects that have a value of £50,000 or greater. Income will be distributed as follows:
Project |
Allocation (%) |
Littleport schools |
6% |
District leisure centre |
6% |
Health care facilities serving North Ely |
3% |
Ely Country Park expansion |
2% |
Administration |
2.5% |
District wide health care provision |
5% |
District wide community facilities |
7.5% |
Inclusive play and open spaces |
3% |
Other (max) - linked to MP |
50% |
Process for requesting CIL contributions to be allocated to a project
A stakeholder can apply, at any time, for a project, that is included on the Infrastructure List, to be funded, in whole or in part, by CIL contributions. The stakeholder should write to the Council requesting allocation of CIL funds to their project.
A project being included on the Infrastructure List does not signify a guarantee of CIL funding. Whether a project successfully receives CIL funding will depend on the Council’s priorities at the time of the application for funding being made, and the amount of CIL funding available.
The request should include the following information:
- details of the scheme
- timetable for delivery (indicative will suffice)
- why the scheme should benefit from CIL funding
- where CIL is only intended to fund part of the project, provide details/evidence of other sources of secured funding
One the request has been received the project will be assessed against the scoring criteria and a recommendation will be made to the Finance and Assets Committee.
Governance Arrangements where the CIL receipt from a single development exceeds £1,000,000
Meaningful Proportion
15% (25% where a Neighbourhood Plan is made) of all CIL receipts, under the Regulations, must be transferred to the City/Parish/Town Council (where development has occurred in their area). In a Regulation 62A report, the City/Parish/Town Council must publicise, on an annual basis, the amount of CIL money it has received, spent, brought forward from previous years, intends to carry forward to the following year and where money has been spent. A pro forma report has been supplied to the City/Town/Parish Council and this information will be published by the individual City/Parish/Town Council.
The remaining 85%
The remainder of the CIL contribution may be ring fenced to fund infrastructure projects that benefit the development. This could be done as part of the planning process. The reason for doing may be to provide the Council, the developer and infrastructure providers with more certainty as to the delivery of key infrastructure needed to support the development.
Consultation will be carried out with the relevant stakeholder throughout the planning process.
A portion, reflective of the nature of the development site, will be sought for administration of CIL. In accordance with the Regulations, the amount sought for administration will be up to 5%. The amount allocated will depend on the monitoring requirements and the needs of infrastructure for the development.
As a result of this process there may be a need to add infrastructure items to the Infrastructure list. An Officer will recommend to the Planning Committee that such projects should be recommended for inclusion on the Infrastructure List. If approved by the Planning Committee, the project will then be recommended for inclusion to Full Council a future meeting.
CIL contributions arising from developments where the CIL value exceeds £1,000,000 shall only be spent in accordance with the allocations made throughout the planning process, unless there is justified cause not to do so. Any deviation from the allocation will need to be approved by the Finance & Assets Committee.