CIL process

This page takes you through a 9 step process which applies to all developments eligible to pay CIL.

All forms can be downloaded from the Planning Portal

  1. Seek planning pre-application advice

    How and when to seek planning pre-application advice from us.

  2. Complete the CIL additional questions form 

    How to complete the additional questions form.

  3. Inform us who will be responsible for paying CIL

    How to inform us of who will be responsible for paying CIL.

  4. Liability Notice 

    Once the Assumption of Liability form has been received we will issue a Liability Notice to all relevant parties.

  5. Exemption or relief from CIL

    All exemptions and reliefs must be applied for and granted before works start on the site.

  6. Submit a commencement notice 

    It is vital that a commencement notice is submitted before any work starts on the development.

  7. Demand Notice

    Once the commencement notice has been received, we will issue a Demand Notice.  

  8. Pay correct fee

    CIL is payable upon commencement of development.

  9. Notify us of completion 

    How and when to notify us of completion.