All decisions on planning applications are made in accordance with the adopted Local Plan unless relevant planning considerations note otherwise.
After the planning officer has assessed all the information, evidence and comments received based on material planning considerations, one of three decisions will be made:
- planning permission is granted as it is
- planning permission is granted with conditions or
- planning permission is refused with reasons
Decisions will normally be made by a planning officer (known as delegated powers) or, if necessary, the Planning committee may determine an application.
All decisions are available to view online through our Public Access System and the applicant, agent, parish council and any contributors will be notified of the decision.
Granted planning permission
When you receive a decision notice which approves an application it will normally contain a number of planning conditions.
The first condition typically relates to the approved plans the development needs to be completed in line with.
The second condition will state the time limit to start work on site. If the development is not started within this time limit a new application will need to be submitted.
If the application sought outline planning permission the second condition will specify the date the Reserved Matters application will need to be submitted by and what matters need to be included in the submission.
Refused planning permission
The planning officer’s report, which can be viewed on the planning committee page will provide more information on the reasons for the refusal.
Your case officer will also be able to advise you if you contact them directly.
If your application is refused you may wish to resubmit with a revised scheme taking into account the reasons for refusal. There is an exemption of the planning fee for such applications if you meet certain criteria outlined in our fees page.
You have the right to appeal the decision – details of this process are provided with your decision notice. They can also be found on the Planning Portal website.